Products - Prozomix



Prozomix has developed the largest range of >6000 maximum diversity proprietary biocatalysts available via a free-to-use Biocatalysis Enzyme Toolkit!

(additionally, we also stock >1000 exciting enzymes from the literature – please tell us if we have missed any of interest to you!)



Focussing proprietary meta-GRASP™ mining technologies in the area of novel biocatalyst discovery towards biocatalysis and other emerging enzyme applications, the large panels that comprise the very popular and effective Prozomix Biocatalysis Enzyme Toolkit, are continually developed to offer ever increasing diversity from sequence space. Subsequent to the identification of a “hit”, biocatalysts of interest can be purchased to any scale at known list prices. As Prozomix both discovers and produces all of its biocatalysis enzymes, lead-times are short and reliable, and many additional biocatalyst optimisation services can be seamlessly implemented and have FTO with respect to the Nagoya Protocol.

It’s unbelievable – no, it’s the Prozomix Promise!

So you got a hit, but want to improve it fast and for free right – well you have certainly found the right place, take advantage!!!

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