Literature Enzymes Request Service - Prozomix

Literature Enzyme Service

Seen a biocatalyst(s) in the literature and thinking of producing it? – wait, we might already have done that, and if not, we will do it for you as long as you order 1 g or more!

In 2021 Prozomix started a Literature Enzyme Project, aimed at making all published popular biocatalysts available as off-the-shelf products! This project came around following examples over the years where different customers would request the same enzyme(s) to be produced as a service for them. Such repeated services take time to perform and are wasteful, and thus the Literature Enzyme Project was born!


Useful information:

  1. we do not exploit academic literature only for ourselves/our customers, a 10 % gross sales royalty is paid to the academic!
  2. if you suggest a biocatalyst(s) from the literature not currently on the shelf, we will make it available within 2-4 weeks!
  3. like for anything purchased from Prozomix, FREE SHIPPING!
  4. you purchase existing or newly requested Literature Enzymes against our standard list prices:





1 g = 340

10 g = 575

100 g = 3850

1 kg = 17050

10 kg= 55000

100 kg = 165000


(back to Services)

Designed your own enzyme panel? – we can produce and present them in plate / vial format in just 7  working days!*

– see our Small-Scale Enzyme CMO Services:


•  high quality enzyme powders

•  price break for 384 enzymes

•  packaged to your bespoke needs (96- or 384-format)

•  kg quantity of any hits shipped within 7 working days

•  like all our products and services, free shipping!!!