FTE-based Enzyme Discovery - Prozomix

FTE-based Enzyme Discovery

Where your requirements are not met by our existing Services, bespoke FTE-based solutions will be built especially to your needs!

…but we hope you will not need our FTE-based Services!

Prozomix has developed the largest and most diverse range of natural biocatalysts on the market, all available via a free-to-use Biocatalysis Enzyme Toolkit.  In effect, the customer gets to perform enzyme discovery for free, only ever paying for actual hit material, though never under any obligation to buy anything at all!


Existing Service Solutions: we offer various Services related to adding value to enzymes from our Biocatalysis Enzyme Toolkit, but equally relevant to biocatalysts already discovered by our customers themselves, such as Prozomix acting as a Small-scale Enzyme CMO, Large-scale Enzyme CMO, or by offering a Bespoke Enzyme Panel Development Service (novel metagenomic targets selected around a hit seed sequence(s)).  We also offer various free-of-charge services, such as the “Prozomix Promise” Hit Optimisation Service and a Literature Enzyme Request Service.  Indeed, there is even a free-of-charge Enzyme Discovery Via Artificial Intelligence (AI) Service, offered in Partnership with Ginkgo Bioworks!


However, where your requirements do not fall under one of the above pre-existing Services, and a new Service can’t be introduced to immediately to cater for your needs, an FTE-based Project will, and only then, be proposed.


Useful information:

  1. we prefer to offer enzyme discovery for free or via known-cost per enzyme discovered Services, please consult these carefully before considering engaging via our FTE-based Services.
  2. we will only suggest FTE-based Services to you when there is no other option.
  3. the FTE-based Services will be performed by a postdoctoral level scientist.
  4. FTE-based Services will be performed with upmost priority.
  5. all costs usually included in the fee.
  6. Typical deliverables – metagenomic DNA / protein sequences, enzyme screening materials, small-scale enzyme production protocols, and bulk material produced with immediate priority for hits.
  7. FREE SHIPPING – globally, multi-site and for as many packages as it takes.







(back to Services)

Designed your own enzyme panel? – we can produce and present them in plate / vial format in just 7  working days!*

– see our Small-Scale Enzyme CMO Services:


•  high quality enzyme powders

•  price break for 384 enzymes

•  packaged to your bespoke needs (96- or 384-format)

•  kg quantity of any hits shipped within 7 working days

•  like all our products and services, free shipping!!!