Biocatalysis Enzyme Toolkit - Prozomix

Biocatalysis Enzyme Toolkit

Biocatalysis Enzyme Toolkit

Screen the largest collection of wild-type enzymes, with global FTO, for FREE.

With over 6000 enzymes on-the-shelf, and more being added every week, we are sure you will find the right enzyme for your process – and if not, we will find you one, free of charge!

Here’s how it works..

1. The customer (you!) signs one of the three Prozomix Toolkit Agreements (please email to receive these!). The three agreements are; 1) Evaluation agreement (basically a MTA with a few extra terms, we always recommend starting with this one, as the minimised legal work does not slow down the science!), 2) Enzyme supply agreement (covers all aspects of right to supply etc) and 3) Discovery and supply agreement, this covers all aspects of the Prozomix offerings.

2. Congratulations, you’re now a toolkit user! You can now request any enzyme from the Prozomix catalogue via email ( or on this website using the buy online (once registered, your account will be registered as a Toolkit user which will allow you to order, for free, any of 6000+ enzymes and kits.

3. ~100 mg of each enzyme as freeze-dried cell-free extract is supplied free-of-charge. Other advanced screening products can also be acquired free-of-charge, such as “kREDy-to-go™” colorimetric KRED screening plates, and 96-well / 384- well plates containing 1 mg of each enzyme per well.

All shipping is free of charge!

4. Products arrive and screening commences!

Don’t worry if you use all your screening materials (vials / plates), we don’t limit how many you can request, and your inventory of Prozomix enzymes can be replenished within a few days notice!

5. When a Toolkit enzyme is identified against an application of interest to the Toolkit Holder, larger quantities of the enzyme can be purchased at known list prices, or the customer can elect to manufacture the enzyme themselves (or with any other third party).

6. A comprehensive range of hit optimisation, biocatalysts discovery / development and contract manufacturing services are also available from Prozomix.

The Challenge

Biocatalysis is as elegant as it is challenging, given that unlike most other related disciplines, more often than not, no enzyme has yet to be characterised with the biochemical/biophysical characteristics desired, especially when considering the intricacies of requisite stereo-, regio– and chemo-selectivities.  A process of biocatalyst screening is thus required, where panels of enzymes with closely related activities to the one desired are tested against the application, such as in the synthesis of a chiral API using the KRED kit.


In the earlier years of Biocatalysis, the greatest barrier to success was simply the absence of an effective enzyme toolbox, owing simply to the limited number and/or form of biocatalysts available. Many solutions were found by way of the use of either whole native microbial cells, such as Baker’s Yeast, or crude/purified preparations from any microorganism identified as being capable of performing the biotransformation in question. Indeed, these approaches are still very effective today. Some genes encoding specific biocatalysis enzymes were cloned and expressed, but with limited genomic information (DNA sequences) being available, this route, although very effective, was unfortunately not scalable at that time.

Post-Genomics Era

The advent of whole genome sequencing projects enabled a new approach for biocatalyst development, based on the specific construction of panels of recombinant enzymes (enzymes produced using gene cloning technology). Recombinant enzymes offer notable advantages over their native counterparts, in that they can be made using standard methods, they offer generally higher activities per gram of freeze-dried powder, and most importantly, larger numbers can be accessed both rapidly and cost-effectively. Where a biocatalyst is identified against an application, production of the catalyst is also scalable using standard in-house or third-party facilities.

Current Routes to Success

The application of biocatalysis is growing rapidly, mirrored by an increase in availability of related products and services.  For instance, a common route is now to screen a panel of biocatalysts, and then to evolve the best enzyme found, optimising it towards the “perfect” catalyst for the transformation in question.  This route is certainly effective, but can be expensive and time-consuming.  At the same time, the perpetual logarithmic increase of genomic data shows no signs of abating, and next-generation DNA sequencing technology already in place will ensure the pace is kept for at least the next five years, with no reason at all to doubt it will not continue to expand long after that.  From its inception, this expanding, disruptive resource has lead to a series of step changes in many aspects of biological research, and the impact on biocatalyst development is proving to be no exception.

Enzyme Development Philosophy

While Prozomix acknowledges the utility of protein evolution techniques when applied to biocatalysis, the sheer volume of current genomic data, coupled with its inevitable future growth, leads us to propose that the natural diversity of biocatalysts, i.e. that evolved over billions of years by Mother Nature, should be one of the first options considered when screening for novel activities, even if the aim is to identify a better starting point for an engineering campaign! At the same time, it was acknowledged that panels of diverse and unique enzymes (i.e. not containing site-directed mutants or otherwise artificially related enzymes) large enough to test this approach were not available 10 years ago.  Thus the Prozomix Biocatalysis Enzyme Toolkit concept was devised to specifically address these issues.

The Prozomix Biocatalysis Enzyme Toolkit Concept

For a Biocatalysis Enzyme Toolkit to be as effective as possible, it must both contain a large number of relevant enzymes, yet be very cost-effective to access by the customer.  To achieve the former, it was necessary to develop a proprietary high-throughput cloning approach, now termed GRASP (Genomics-based Related Activity Screening Protocol).